
As a researcher, María Emilia has been an agent of (time-)change by developing  a community of researchers in Probability Theory in Mexico. She has also been active in building bridges  to promote the training of young researchers with leading academics in the world. In doing so, she knotted friendships and we would like to gather as much as possible of them in an academic event which celebrates her trajectory. Further goals of this gathering are to stimulate the incursion of students in trendy topics of probability and to highlight the very diverse work being carried by the network of Mexican probabilists.

The program of the event includes plenary talks by world leading experts in the field, that have collaborated with María Emilia and other Mexican probabilists, in an effort to build a community of researchers in probability. Moreover, there will be some invited talks by young Mexican probabilists.

The celebration of María Emilia will take place at the "Manuel Cepeda Peraza" auditorium of the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UAdY), in the city of Mérida, Yucatán, México. 

You are all cordially invited to join us.